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Bertha Riang Putri 

Opening 04.07.18 6-8pm
Artist Talks 23.07.18 6-7pm

The exhibition, Identitasku is named after an Indonesian term meaning 'my identity', and consists of a series of drawings that illustrate the artist's identity through patterns and motifs. Every single drawing from the series is intentionally made to look unfinished to illustrate the journey of her life, which is still ongoing.

The series of drawings are made of patterns and motifs influenced by Batik. These motifs have been altered, shapes and lines have been abstracted and transformed into personal symbols of the artist's lived experiences. Abstraction is a property that has been considered deeply while making these personal works. They can be seen purely as aesthetic abstraction or as deeply personal symbolism. They are artworks that have the capacity to let the viewers decide how they want to perceive it.