
Aurelia King

Aurelia King (she/her, b. 2001) (BFA) is a Hungarian-Taiwanese Australian emerging artist and curator living and working on unceded Gadigal land. Aurelia’s installation practice explores the experimental boundaries of the expanded field. When working with found materials, Aurelia employs laborious processes of transformation, deconstruction, and reconstruction in ritualistic journeys to process her personal, familial and locational experiences. Engaging with her experiences of locating self, evolving identity, and cultural reclamation, she reforms meaningful materials to expose new understandings.

Aurelia’s recent artistic work delves into place-bound identity, and the ability for location to hold memory through expanded site-specificity. Aurelia’s curatorial practice brings together diverse practices to create conversations contextualised by contemporary Australia. By bringing together these artists, she investigates the fluxual multitudes of experience and existence, and the disorientation inevitable in a rapid globalised world.
