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2024 Firstdraft Auction

2024 Firstdraft Auction

7 August - 16 August

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Artists Party
6–10pm Friday 16 August
RSVP here

Bid Closes AEST 9pm Friday 16 August

We are delighted to announce that the Firstdraft Auction is back and will open Wednesday 7 August! Yes, the time for finding your match is over, instead, we invite you to find your CATCH! 🎣

In its 15th year, the Firstdraft Auction remains steadfast to its aim of supporting artists. When you buy an artwork at the Firstdraft Auction, half of the sale helps us pay fees to every artist who participates in our program, while the other half is paid to contributing artists. Put simply, 100% of your money goes back to artists. 

Hand-in-hand with our ever-growing community of artists, this fundraiser is an opportunity to celebrate the work of Firstdraft’s artist alumni and support the future of contemporary art - today. 

Available to view on-site and online, the auction exhibition will open on Wednesday 7 August and close on the night of the Artist’s Party at 10pm Friday 16 August, with final bids strictly at 9pm.

As always, the Firstdraft Auction will conclude with a free celebration hosted on-site from 6-10pm, to countdown the final hours of the auction. Featuring the announcement of raffle winners by our MC Sebastian Goldspink, music by DJ Slays and DJ Atro, visuals by Emma Pham and generously supported by Tom Spira, Aplenty, Fellr, Heaps Normal and the Grifter Brewing Co.

With a plethora of artworks by a diverse group of artists, you might even say there are plenty of fish in the sea...will you find your catch or flounder and cut bait?! 

Contributing Artists

Clara Adolphs, Tony Albert, Nicholas Aloisio-Shearer, Holly Anderson, Emma Armstrong-Porter, Emmanuel Asante Art, David Attwood, Glenn Barkley, Ju Bavyka, Neil Beedie, Monika Behrens, Lilah Benetti, Amanda Bennetts, Corey Black, Tom Blake, Nqa Blayed, Amber Boardman, Nick Breedon, Lauren Brincat, Teresa Busuttil, Anna Carey, Sundari Carmody, Consuelo Cavaniglia, Celine Cheung, Andrew Christie, Matthew Clarke, Catherine Clayton-Smith, Erin Coates, Nancy Constandelia, Cybele Cox, Gabriel Curtin, Ellen Dahl, Azrielle de Vor, Rosie Deacon, Rekha Dhanaram, Kalanjay Dhir, Andy Diep, Ara Dolatian, Ken Done, Easton Dunne, Sarah Edmondson, Leila el Rayes, Mitch Ferrie, Keesha C. Field, Todd Fuller, Fei Gao, Katrina Garvey, Ash Garwood, Alex Gawronski, Shahroud Ghahani, gustralia, Yvette Hamilton, Emma Hamilton, Christopher Hanrahan, emoeba h♡rtbridge, Jack Harman, Tina Havelock Stevens, susan hawkins, Charlotte Haywood, Anthony Hodgkinson, Visaya Hoffie, Bonnie Huang, Oliver Hull, Laura Hunt, Yvette James, Anna John, Gillian Kayrooz, Danica I. J. Knežević, Lisa Kurtz, Sam Leach, Belem Lett, Charles Levi, James Lieutenant, James Little, Dane Lovett, Liam Macann, Holly Macdonald, Gabby Malpas, Miška Mandić, Angus McGrath, Mish Meijers, Clare Milledge, Amy Claire Mills, Kate Mitchell, Cobie Ann Moore, Liza Moscatelli, Daniel Mudie Cunningham, Nolan Ho Wung Murphy, Anna Nazzari, Audrey Newton, James Nguyen, Ali Noble, Emily Norton, Antoinette O’Brien, Nadia Odlum, Laetitia Olivier-Gargano, Elena Papanikolakis, Emily Parsons-Lord, Kenzee Patterson, Emma Pham, April Phillips, Jason Phu, Anna Pogossova, Amy Prcevich, NC Qin, Dakota Quin, Vedika Rampal, Aaron Christopher Rees, Caity Reynolds, Monica Rani Rudhar, Billy Ryan, Koji Ryui, Huseyin Sami, Lisa Sammut, Sha Sarwari, Naomi Segal, Rebecca Selleck, Jacqui Shelton, Amelia Skelton, Spacefloss Collective, Greg Stanford, Ming Sun, M. Sunflower, Ali Tahayori, Jayanto Tan, Shannon Toth, Garry Trinh, Kate Vassallo, Dustin J Voggenreiter, Kai Wasikowski, Alana Wesley, Eduardo Wolfe-Alegria, Min Wong, Tom Yousif, Justine Youssef, Anne Zahalka, Aarushi Zarthoshtimanesh and Tianli Zu.

Earlier Event: 1 June
Artist Talks
Later Event: 30 August