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For You

  • Firstdraft 13–17 Riley Street Woolloomooloo Australia (map)

In celebration of NAIDOC Week 2020, Firstdraft presents For You, a series of First Peoples-led TikTok commissions curated by Barkindji, Latjilatji, Birri Gubba and Wakka Wakka woman Emily Johnson.


For You

Curated by Emily Johnson
NAIDOC Week 2020: Always Was, Always Will Be

8–15 November
view on TikTok

Named after the ubiquitous “#ForYouPage” TikTok hashtag (the gateway to the “front page of TikTok”), For You features 8 First-Peoples creators – @andrewfyplopez (Andrew Lopez; Gamilaraay, Wiradjuri), @eishaanderson (Eisha Anderson; Kaurna), @nichrichie (Nicholas Richie; Darnley (Erub) & Sailor Family), @noonee2204 (Alicia Johnson; Barkindji, Latjilatji, Birri Gubba, Wakka Wakka), @official_balawolz (Wollie Gela; Butchulla, Gubbi Gubbi, Darnley (Erub), Boigu, Kaurareg), @officially_underrated (Arthur Burns, Gurubana Gunghandji), @queenofgoon (Kirra Hampson; Woiwurrung), as well as @howdoidelete1 (Emily Johnson) – who have been invited to respond to this year’s NAIDOC Week theme: Always Was, Always Will Be.

I am a proud Barkindji, Latjilatji, Birri Gubba and Wakka Wakka woman. I grew up in Broken Hill (Far-Western NSW), moved to Sydney for high school, and eventually studied at the University of Sydney. I now continue to work and live on Gadigal country as an arts education and employment coordinator, and visual artist. I’m also an avid user and creator on Tiktok – I have been engaging with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators from all over Australia; who deliver hilariously witty, inspiring and entertaining videos every day!

Reflecting beyond entertainment, social media is a great tool and platform for our people to have their voices heard, their faces seen, and their ideas shared. Having a space to create First Peoples content is so important as we’re often marginalised and ignored by mainstream media sources or embedded within non-First Peoples-led content.

I have selected creators with a range of personalities, visions and expressions, who offer unique perspectives on Always Was, Always Will Be. Each day during NAIDOC Week and beyond, these creators challenge stereotypes – showcasing the diversity of our identities, our humour, and encouraging commentary on the nuance of being Blackfullas in Australia, both online and off.

– Emily Johnson

Every day from 8–15 November, Firstdraft will premiere a creator’s new video on our social media, alongside a selection of their own personally curated TikTok highlights. Firstdraft is excited to collaborate again with award-winning Larrakia artist and designer Jenna Lee, whose bold new visual identity “stakes claim and takes up pixels in social media spaces.”

For You aggregates First Peoples creators across culture – from media, visual art, writing and design – and amplifies their influence as we reflect, this week and beyond, on what always was, and what always will be.

Follow us on social media to see new video content every day.

Earlier Event: 4 November
Later Event: 6 January
Archaeology of Memory