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How Deep is Your Love

How Deep is Your Love

Yiorgo Yiannopoulos

Opening 10.01.18 6-8pm
Artist Talks 25.01.18 6-7pm

'How Deep Is Your Love' is dedicated to preserving ephemera that are evidence of queer sexual resistance.

A peephole, a portal. A hole in the stall incites responses of several kinds. It goes unnoticed by few, marks a moment of anxiety for some and aids as an avenue to pleasure for others. Peering and presenting, the performers take turns to entice each other. Receptive mates meet in the middle, jostling underneath the stall wall, where they can connect physically, finally, any limitation a pleasure in itself. Oftentimes, one invites another into their cubicle; a response for those who prefer unfettered contact.

Peepholes are cut, covered and re-cut. So it goes. The lifecycle of the peephole continues on the basis that one person’s defacement is another’s threshold of desire.

Earlier Event: 10 January
Unreal City
Later Event: 7 February