Around the Outside #3: Speculative Futures
Anna May Kirk, Matthew Varnay & Shareeka Helaluddin

Art, Agency, Action: Sydney
Art, Agency, Action: Sydney
Art, Agency, Action is a public event to connect social movement makers across areas of visual arts and social practice to exchange models, ideas and methodologies for taking agency and making change.
This is a participatory forum; the discussion will be led by short presentations from our key speakers around their own experience, creative projects and models of practice to facilitate dialogue and action with attendees: artists, producers and curators.
Art, Agency, Action is about coming together and fostering community action within the arts and to devleop imaginings of our future. The actions and ideas developed will contribute to the 2018 strategy for the arts and the NAVA summit.
Speakers include:
Michelle Newton, Deputy Director, Artspace
Amala Groom, Artist & NAVA Board Member
Liam Benson, Artist
Clare Cooper, Frontyard
Bek Conroy/Sarah Chisholm, Money Laundering Ladiez/A Very Beautiful Laundrette
Introduction from NAVA Deputy Director, Brianna Munting, and facilitated by Firstdraft.