Soft Power


Ryan Andrew Lee

2020, two-channel video, 2 minutes 1 second.
Courtesy the artist.

Soft Power presents experimental responses, new critiques and speculative futures in the face of myriad power systems we must confront and dismantle. Like his peers, Ryan Andrew Lee explores what is obscured and nullified in emergent and established systems of power.

Wonnarua is a contemplative moving image installation work that aims to provoke discussion around themes of Indigenous ways of living in juxtaposition with western settler-state system's unsustainable, damaging ways of using stolen lands.

Ryan Andrew Lee is a conceptual new media artist whose works explore alternative ontologies and epistemologies which are strongly informed by First Nations people and community. Lee proactively strives to create works that resonate on a deeper level of consciousness with the intent to unify all things. Most commonly using the medium of moving images that aim to uncover particular historical events and sites to reveal injustice endured by First Nations communities. Activating the screen to discuss the notion that we must investigate the past to understand the present. Ryan's work is driven by personal experience and experiences shared by family, friends and the wider community.


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