
Firstdraft welcomes new Chair and Treasurer

The team at Firstdraft are delighted to announce Firstdraft’s new Chair Augusta Supple and Treasurer Dominic Kavanagh who join current Board Members Kym Elphinstone, James Little, Monica Rani Rudhar, Sambavi Seermaran and Michelle Wang.

Augusta Supple (L) and Dominic Kavanagh (R).

The team at Firstdraft are delighted to announce Firstdraft’s new Chair Augusta Supple and Treasurer Dominic Kavanagh who join current Board Members Kym Elphinstone, James Little, Monica Rani Rudhar, Sambavi Seermaran and Michelle Wang.

With Caity Reynolds’ appointment as the inaugural Director of Firstdraft, the Board’s responsibilities are focused on providing strategic leadership, governance oversight and financial stewardship to sustain the organisation’s long term commitment to artistic experimentation at all levels — from early-career artists presenting their first exhibition, to more established practitioners testing new ideas and ways of working. 

As we move towards our 40th anniversary, the Firstdraft Board will be instrumental in the development and implementation of key policy documents including a Reconciliation Action Plan, a Disability Inclusion Action Plan, instituting sustainable organisational practices including advisory, building, development and programming committees. 

We would like to acknowledge former Chairperson Olivia Welch (2023-24) and Board Members Zoe Theodore (2022-23 Co-Chair and 2022-24 Treasurer), Elyse Goldfinch (2022-23 Co-Chair), and Geirthana Nandakumaran for their formidable work supporting Firstdraft during a period of great organisational change. We also thank M. Sunflower, who has concluded their tenure and will continue to provide support to First Peoples programs and initiatives. We look forward to seeing what our alumni will bring to the future of arts and cultural  leadership. 

With the establishment of the new office bearers: Augusta Supple as Chair, James Little as Deputy Chair, Dominic Kavanagh as Treasurer and Michelle Wang as Secretary, we aim to recruit new Board Members to join Firstdraft in late 2024. We will be looking for Board members committed to the long term sustainability of Firstdraft’s legacy who understand and honour its history, represent its communities and vision, and who can articulate and facilitate its future. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming our newest Firstdraft Board Members, Augusta and Dominic to the team!

board members
